Sondazh i Albanian Canadian Development Alternative për emigracionin shqiptar në Kanada
Mapping the professional landscape of Albanian immigrants in Canada - A comprehensive survey
Canada has become home to about 45,000 Albanians, two-thirds arriving in the past three decades with mid to high-level professional backgrounds. Little is known about their professional integration beyond stories shared within the community.
This comprehensive survey aims to gather a detailed and complete picture of their professional integration, challenges, achievements, and overall experiences.
By placing this data within the broader context of Canadian immigration, the survey seeks to provide valuable insights, not only for current and next generation immigrant Albanians, but also for broader audiences, interventions and programs to support immigrant integration.
Responses will be analyzed collectively, and will be used solely for study purposes. Individual answers and any information derived from the survey will be kept confidential. A summary of the key findings will be publicized upon completion.
Note: all answers are important to ensure accuracy of the study. If a question is marked with an asterisk (*), it indicates that a response is required.
The survey takes 12 - 15 minutes to complete.
For any inquiries or difficulty answering the questions, please contact Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..
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* 1. Please enter your email below. The email is requested solely for data quality purposes and we guarantee that it will be kept confidential and used strictly for survey administration and any necessary troubleshooting.